
Let's Talk Health

Hello everyone! It has been a while since we've last chatted. I've been cracking down on my studying & all of a sudden an entire month got away from me. But I'm feeling ambitious today, and I want to share with you my journey from the summer. The journey I am talking about is my "weight loss" journey...if you want to call it that. I am going to skip out on the mushy, emotional details of how I felt before losing weight, because I'm sure you can guess... I did not feel great about myself. Who knows, maybe I will save that for another post. But here we go. 

All summer long, I ate really healthy...compared to how I used to eat. Basically, I cut out sugary drinks, excessive alcohol, grains, junk carbs, sweets, etc. and just stuck with the basics. I grew a love for fish (tilapia being a major fave), chicken, veggies (minus corn), and tried to avoid fruit as best as I could (an extra way to deplete carbs and sugar, even in a pure form). Basically the "diet" was heavy in protein, because that is the best way to preserve muscle as well as burn fat. (Google ketosis if you really interested in the science behind this kind of diet.) In about 3 months, I was able to shed nearly 20 lbs, 17 total inches, and 6% of my body fat. But more importantly, I learned about what it means to be healthy on the inside, and then reap the benefits on the outside...I'm talking crazy growing hair, nails, & a clear complexion. But coming off of that diet, I needed to learn how to maintain my weight loss (and continue to lose) and not end up turning it into a yo-yo effect. So, I set some guidelines for myself that I want to share with you too. 

First and foremost, when magazines say things like "keep a food diary", and you think it sounds like a joke, it really isn't. It really does truly keep you accountable. I personally love to use the app MyFitnessPal. It allows me to set goals for caloric intake and many other things. It also is excellent for food & exercise logging. This has been my number one tool (after learning all about the appropriate amount of grams of protein, carbs, sugar, etc. should be consumed daily). 

Second, I started to incorporate exercise. All summer long, I was semi-active. Because of the plan I was following, I simply wasn't eating enough calories to accompany an active lifestyle. So I just went on walks and an occasional run. But now that I have upped my caloric intake, I am back in the gym AND attempting to become a runner. Eww, right? I never thought I would see the day. Like...EVER! But after having lost some weight, my body feels more comfortable when I run...basically not as heavy, obviously. I have learned a breathing technique that works of me and have figured out what the heck to do with my arms. When I run, I like to use the Nike Running+ app to track my route & distance. 

Third, I have tried to become a "smart" grocery shopper. I highly recommend making a list of things you need before heading to the grocery store. This will save you some serious time AND money. It will help you pick out only the things you need and will help you avoid impulse (and probably unhealthy) purchases. Also, when shopping, check out nutrition labels. Know what a serving size is, and see if the nutritional value fits inside your personal guidelines. [Note: If you are contemplating a fat-free item vs. a sugar-free item, like salad dressing or coffee creamer, opt for the sugar-free. Fat is not always bad, and it is definitely not the problem in the American diet. Sugar, in an un-pure form + carbs are the issues, as carbs are stored as sugars.]

Instead of telling myself I can't have this or can't drink that, I think about all the healthy things I should eat and drink and how my body will thank me for it later! Removing negativity makes a huge difference.

When I said (continue to lose) above, I said that because I personally am not 100% where I want to be, yet. I have learned we have to take it one step, one meal, and one day at a time. It does not happen over night & it takes a lot of dedication. My plan is to let the guidelines I have made for myself be a guide me to help me achieve my long term goals. 

Another way that I have found myself motivated to not slip back into my old ways has a little something to do with my faith. Once I was settled back into school, I knew I wanted to grow my faith in God and build a relationship with Him. I luckily have found an amazing church in my city & also have been blessed into finding a bible study filled with other young gals who seek God + his word. I started reading the book "Made to Crave" and it talks all about how we should fulfill our cravings with God, rather than unsatisfying food. Cool thought, huh? I recommend checking it out if you haven't already.

This month I strive to:
1. Continue to grow in my faith. I also plan to finish reading "Made to Crave".
2. Run an average of 15 miles per week (at least 3mi. x 5 days a week).
3. Eat protein rich foods.
4. Drink plenty of water (64+ oz/day).
5. Continue taking a multi-vitamin, omega-3, and calcium supplement. (I don't drink milk.)

I hope that this was helpful and gave you some insight on my little journey & what I've been up to. I hope that if you have goals you push yourself to find the best route to meeting those goals. If you have questions about the ketosis diet, please ask & I'll do my best to explain and give direction!

Talk to you soon,


  1. This is so amazing, Carrie! Doesn't it feel great to shed that excess weight?! If you're looking for a way to keep in check, I'm doing a #Fit30Days challenge and cutting out pop this month (eek!). Keep at it girlfriend!

    26 and Not Counting

    1. Thanks, Jess! Yes, I read about your challenge! Good for you & good luck! :)
