
What's Hot? Makeup Geek & Marlena

Happy Thursday! For me, it's my 'Friday', and I couldn't be more relieved. This week of class was a heavy load, and I am ready for a relaxing weekend with not a single plan made. Today I want to share with you my new love for the brand, image, website, education... you name it of Makeup Geek. What is Makeup Geek you ask? Well, let me do the honor of explaining it to you. Makeup Geek is a website that is designed for you to "Embrace your cosmetic addiction." The lovely Marlena, founder of MUG, has put together not only a place to talk beauty, but to teach AND sell as well. Marlena likes to consider herself a 'Makeup Educator' and strives to help women feel beautiful. I too, believe that makeup is a magical thing that helps embrace our individual unique beauty. For all the scoop, be sure to check out www.makeupgeek.com.


Do you remember me mentioning above that MUG is also a place where beauty products are sold? Marlena has developed some of the most amazing makeup products, and they are available online for you to purchase for a very affordable price. What she thrives off of is selling quality products without having to pay an arm and a leg. At MUG, you can purchase your highly pigmented, MAC quality pan filled eyeshadows for $5.99 ($9 cheaper than MAC!) I recently purchased 4 eyeshadows to put into a quad and they are nothing shy of amazing. 

Holy pigmentation, right??!

I picked up the shades Creme Brule, Cocoa Bear, Cinderella, and Shimma Shimma. I now have my eyes on Twilight and Last Dance (shown above). 

Have you tried any products from Makeup Geek? 

XO, Carrie


  1. Hi Carrie - this is such a cute blog! I am part of the Makeup Geek team here in California and wanted to thank you very much for your support! And to answer the question in your post, I have tried pretty much every MUG product, but currently my favorites are the new pigments, Adorable lipstick, and the eyeshadows: Twilight, Unexpected, Cupcake, Shimma Shimma, Corrupt, Hipster, Frappe, and Bada Bing. Thanks again and hope to see you sometime on MUG! -Odette.

    1. Thank you! I really love the quality of the products and am looking forward to purchasing more from MUG! :) I will definitely check out the lipstick and some of the other shadows that you mentioned! Thanks again!
