
Smart Skin

Happy Monday lovelies! I hope you all have had a great day thus far! Maybe some of you are enjoying a little Monday night football this evening, but as for me, I have my feet up, after a full day of work and class, to do some blogging (since I was off the radar for a while).

Today I want to share with you all the most amazing and smart invention man ever created...besides the iPhone ;) While this may be old news to some, it may be new to others. Not too long ago, Sephora+ Pantone launched a new technology called "Color IQ". And let me tell you...SO COOL! I wish I would have invented this myself. So before you get confused with what I am talking about, here's the skinny:

1. Go to your local Sephora
2. Ask a makeup artist or sales associate about Color IQ and let them know you would like to be matched
3. After removing makeup from a patch of skin without hyper pigmentation (typically on the jawline/neck area), they will take a small camera and take 3 pictures of your skin
4. The computer will then generate a code for you (i.e. 1R08) based on your skin tone from the picture
5. Your makeup artist will then enter the code into the computer, prompting it to give you your best color matches for all foundations Sephora carries

Again, HOW COOL!??

So I went in two weeks about and had this done. I now have the perfect matched makeup, and I couldn't be more pleased. Say goodbye to mismatched foundations...forever! This particular day I took home a sample of the new Clinque Stay Matte foundation and will be purchasing as soon as I use up another foundation.

If you are tired of not knowing what shade to wear or aren't 100% satisfied with an old color matching, this is the perfect thing for you. In fact, I think its perfect for everyone, even those who think they are already wearing their perfect shade. (Could be fun to see if you are correctly matched!)

Want more info on this? See http://www.sephora.com/color-iq

XO, Carrie

image via 

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